Contact Me

If you find yourself hestitating, I encourage you to contact us today.  You can contact us by filling out this form, by email or by calling us at 972-259-0109. If you would like to speak with one of our caring staff just let us know and a counselor will return your call and give you a free 15 minute consultation .
Remember the first step is the hardest so take a deep breath, call us and let's get started.   I'm looking forward to speaking with you.

We are committed to your privacy. Do not include confidential or private information regarding your health condition in this form or any other form found on this website. This form is for general questions or messages to the practitioner.

Contact Us


Office Hours:

Appointments are scheduled based on availability. All services require an appointment.


By Appointment Only


By Appointment Only


By Appointment Only


By Appointment Only


By Appointment Only


By Appointment only


By Appointment only